‘An atmosphere, an air, a life:’ Deleuze, elemental media, and
more-than-human environmental subjectification
and education
influx of more-than-human ‘others,’ including the classical elements: air,
water, earth, fire. In this conceptual article, I consider what environmental
movement education research, which includes inquiring into processes
of political subjectification, might entail, when thinking with the
elements. As part of this focus, I identify and propose thinking alongside
an ‘elemental Deleuze,’ by attuning to how the elements thread
through Deleuze’s many works. Thinking with the elements alongside
the field of elemental media studies, I turn to a series of examples from
research conducted on subjectification and education in anti-oil pipeline
movements in British Columbia, Canada, to suggest that the elements
are productive media of atmospheres and affects that generate political
‘life.’ My objectives in this article are to articulate implications and ways
of engaging with more-than-human forms of subjectification in environmental
movements, and the implications for environmental education